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Port Category Current New Last Updated Last Checked M
snappyarchivers1.2.12025-02-20 02:01 GMT2025-02-20 02:01 GMT
gcinchinese2.9.02025-02-20 02:03 GMT2025-02-20 02:03 GMT
gcin-gtk3chinese2.9.02025-02-20 02:03 GMT2025-02-20 02:03 GMT
gcin-qt5chinese2.9.02025-02-20 02:03 GMT2025-02-20 02:03 GMT
lua-iconvconverters7.1.02025-02-20 02:04 GMT2025-02-20 02:04 GMT
p5-LMDB_Filedatabases0.132025-02-20 02:05 GMT2025-02-20 02:05 GMT
janssondevel2.142025-02-20 02:11 GMT2025-02-20 02:11 GMT
pecl-grpcdevel1.70.02025-02-20 02:11 GMT2025-02-20 02:11 GMT
pecl-swooledevel6. 02:06 GMT2025-02-20 02:06 GMT
py-grpciodevel1.70.02025-02-20 02:08 GMT2025-02-20 02:08 GMT
py-grpcio-toolsdevel1.70.02025-02-20 02:10 GMT2025-02-20 02:10 GMT
spdlogdevel1.15.12025-02-20 02:11 GMT2025-02-20 02:11 GMT
libqrencodegraphics4.1.12025-02-20 02:17 GMT2025-02-20 02:17 GMT
p5-Color-Calcgraphics1.0742025-02-20 02:16 GMT2025-02-20 02:16 GMT
pecl-qrencodegraphics0.112025-02-20 02:16 GMT2025-02-20 02:16 GMT
rumpmisc201708222025-02-20 02:22 GMT2025-02-20 02:22 GMT
p5-Net-TacacsPlusnet1.102025-02-20 02:25 GMT2025-02-20 02:25 GMT
p5-CryptXsecurity0.0852025-02-20 02:28 GMT2025-02-20 02:28 GMT
google-ctemplatetextproc2.42025-02-20 02:30 GMT2025-02-20 02:30 GMT
py-sphinxcontrib-fulltoctextproc1.2.02025-02-20 02:31 GMT2025-02-20 02:31 GMT
januswww1.3.02025-02-20 02:32 GMT2025-02-20 02:32 GMT
p5-Test-Nginxwww0.302025-02-20 02:32 GMT2025-02-20 02:32 GMT